
Our faithful customers...

“Ozzie is doing great. We love him a lot and he sleeps with us almost every night.”

-Dave & Terry Wakeman

“Michelle and I thought you’d like to see an update on our little girl. She is great and is a huge hit with the rest of the family!”

-Peter Jackson, NJ

“We feel so blessed that he is in our lives..”

-Marina, NYC

“I just want you to know that we thank you for breeding an amazing little Norwich. We love her and are taking very good care of her! You should be commended as a breeder, thank you again!” -Kathryn

“Everyone in the family loves her...she is so sweet!” -Janet, Long Island, NY

“Max is doing great!” -Sandy, Duanesburg, NY

“Meeko has brought us much laughter & emotional support. Love her to pieces!” -Clifton Park, NY

“Pure sweetness!” -Maine

“We all had a great summer with Gigi. He is by far the best dog & companion I have ever seen, he’s like out of a story book!” -Jake, Syracuse, NY

“Henley is the cutest puppy ever!” -Patty, Rochester, NY

“Just wanted to let you know, Sunny is doing very well & we all love her very much!” -Sarah, Long Island

“Magnolia slept through her first night home!”

-Rosemary, NYC

“Picture from the ride home, we love her already!”- Linda, Connecticut